Below is the online edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood,
by Dr. Walt Brown. Copyright © Center for Scientific Creation. All rights reserved.
Click here to order the hardbound 8th edition (2008) and other materials.
Predictions of the hydroplate theory are summarized below. Confirmed predictions are in bold, and a partially missed prediction (prediction 58) is in italics. Page numbers, where more information can be found, are in parentheses.
1. super-rotation in atmosphere of Venus(123)
2. pooled water under mountains (133)
3. salty water in very deep granite cracks (133)
4. many fossilized whales at the base of Andes (137)
5. deep channels under Bosporus and Gibraltar (135)
6. fracture zones mark high magnetic intensity (146)
7. magnetic strength grows at hydrothermal vents (146)
8. Earth is shrinking (165)
9. earthquakes will be predicted (163)
10. granite layer deep under Pacific floor (171)
11. shallow-water fossils in and near trenches (172)
12. inner core’s spin is decelerating (185)
13. age sequences wrong for Hawaiian islands (190)
14. thin, parallel, extensive varves not under lakes (203)
15. sand dunes from Grand Canyon (230)
16. unique chemistry of Grand and Hopi Basins (232)
17. slot canyons have cracks that are miles deep (234)
18. Grand Canyon’s inner gorge is a tension crack (235)
19. fault under East Kaibab monocline (247)
20. loess at bottom of ice cores (281)
21. muck on Siberian plateaus (282)
22. rock ice is salty (282)
23. carbon dioxide bubbles in rock ice (282)
24. muck particles in rock ice (282)
25. no fossils below mammoths (283)
26. radiocarbon dating mammoths (284)
27. ice age can be demonstrated (297)
28. comet ice will contained dissolved CO2 (310)
29. salt on Mars (316)
30. moons around some comets (319)
31. mass of solar system is heavier than expected (320)
32. a few comets reappear unexpectedly (320)
33. excess heavy hydrogen in 5+-mile-deep water (321)
34. salt and bacteria in comets (322)
35. Oort cloud does not exist (330)
36. no incoming hyperbolic comets (330)
37. more argon in comet crust (331)
38. asteroids are flying rock piles (342)
39. rocks on asteroids and comets are rounded (342)
40. rapidly spinning asteroids are well-rounded (344)
41. asteroid rocks are magnetized (348)
42. deuterium on Themis (350)
43. water is inside large asteroids (350)
44. mining asteroids too costly (350)
45. Deimos has a very low density (353)
46. Mars’ sediments deposited through air (360)
47. heavy hydrogen in space ice (360)
48. many more TNOs have rings (363)
49. Planet X will not be found by January 2021 (371)
50. comets are rich in oxygen-18 (420)
51. lineaments correlate with earthquakes (420)
52. little radioactivity on Moon, Mars (423)
53. new telescopes will not find reionization of IGM (449)
54. carbon-14 in “old” bones (525)
55. bacteria on Mars (548)
56. some hydrogen missing from polonium halos (624)
57. Comets, formed as described by the hydroplate theory, delivered lots of liquid water to Mars. (381)
58. spin rate and direction of Ceres (375)