Below is the online edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood,
by Dr. Walt Brown. Copyright © Center for Scientific Creation. All rights reserved.
Click here to order the hardbound 8th edition (2008) and other materials.
Space exploration has brought into our living rooms some of the marvels of the universe. Few people appreciate how many of these recent discoveries were not what evolution theory had predicted. The phrase “back to the drawing board” often follows discoveries in space. Saturn, shown on the opposite page, has provided many such examples.
Early space exploration programs were attempts to learn how the Earth, Moon, and solar system evolved. Ironically, not one of these questions has been answered, and for scientists who start with evolutionary assumptions, many perplexing problems have arisen. For example, after the $20,000,000,000 lunar exploration program, no evolutionist can explain with any knowledge and confidence how the Moon formed. Those who try either encounter a barrage of scientific objections or resort to philosophical speculations. Isn’t it ironic that so many science teachers and professors uncritically teach outdated and illogical theories in the very subject—science—that should encourage critical thinking? Far too many textbook authors and popular science commentators, who influence teachers and students alike, do not understand that “the heavens are telling of the glory of God.” (Ps 19:1)